Stove Store Ireland

Electric Fires

Electric stoves are gaining more and more popularity nowadays as they are a low-cost and low-maintenance alternative to solid fuel and oil stoves. Despite not producing the same amount of heat as a solid fuel stove or oil stove, electric stoves are an eco-friendly alternative that can be combined with other electrical heating systems for a warm, cosy, and cost-effective home heating system. Despite their past reputation for driving up electricity bills, electric stoves are now more energy-efficient than ever and can be installed to produce an imitation flame to achieve that cosy, “by the fire” feel often only given by a solid fuel stove. If you want to make your house more eco-friendly while also cutting down on heating bills, an electric stove is a perfect investment.

Electric Fire FAQs

Are electric fires expensive to run?

Modern electric fires are extremely energy efficient and are often cheaper to run than solid fuel stoves or oil stoves. This being said, however, the cost of an electric fire’s running costs will always vary depending on how much you use it. Get in touch with today for more on our electric fires’ running costs and energy efficiency.


Do you install fireplaces along with electric fires?

Yes, we provide full electric fire and fireplace installation services for customers.


Are electric stoves more eco-friendly?

Yes. Running a stove on electricity is a far more eco-friendly option than running a stove on solid fuel or oil.

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